Detailed Quote

 If you need a quote, you can fill in the quick quote form on the right or fill in the more in depth, detailed quote below.  If you need any assistance, please let us know and we will make sure you get the building you need.

Detailed Quote
If you know exactly what you need, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
* indicates a required field
* First and Last Name:
* Email Address:
* Phone Number:
Fax Number:
* Building City:
* Building State:
* Building Zip Code:
* Building Width (In Feet and Inches):
* Building Length (In Feet and Inches):
* Building Height (In Feet and Inches):
* Building Pitch:
* Insulation Required:
* Roof Material:
* Wall Material:
* Will The Building Have Gutters and Downspouts?:
* Right Endwall Framed Openings (Input Qty and Sizes of Openings):
* Left Endwall Framed Openings (Input Qty and Sizes of Openings):
* Front Sidewall Openings (Input Qty and Sizes of Openings):
* Back Sidewall Openings (Input Qty and Sizes of Openings):
* If you need any 3'x 7' Walkdoors, Please Input the Qty:
* Any Additional Instructions or Questions? Please Fill Out Below.:
* Security Phrase:
Please enter the text as it appears below:
* Security Check:
Metal Building Solutions
The Easiest Metal Building Company To Do Buisness With!
215 W Crawford St
Denison, TX 75020
Phone (903) 465-5190
Fax (214) 279-0474